2023.12.22理工學院外籍生聖誕共融 時間:112/12/22 地點:耕莘樓220 人數:18人 藉由此次關懷行動,讓理工學院來自印度/坦尚尼亞/迦納等外籍生們感
2023.12.22 Foreign Student Christmas Inclusion Event at the College of Engineering
Date: 12/22/112
Location: Shengxin Building 220
Number of people: 18
Through this caring event, let foreign students from India/Tanzania/Ghana and other countries at the College of Engineering feel the warm blessings of winter.
2023.12.20 Home~Sweet Home
2023.12.20 Home~Sweet Home 時間 : 112/12/20 地點:聖言樓SF130 人數:30人 藉由手做薑餅屋來傳達建立及維繫家庭的不易。唯有大家齊心協力才可以讓家庭變得更美好、完整。介紹校園中聖誕節裝置藝術之美及相關場景(如馬槽/聖言小堂/淨心堂/許願小卡) ,還有以風趣的交換禮物,連結彼此的心意。
2023.12.20 Home~ Sweet Home
Date: 112/12/20
Location: SF130, Holy Word Building
Number of people: 30
By making gingerbread houses, we convey the message of the difficulties in building and maintaining a family. Only by working together can we make our families better and more complete. Introduce the beauty of Christmas installation art on campus and related scenes (such as the manger, Holy Word Chapel, Pure Heart Church, and wish cards), as well as a fun gift exchange to connect hearts.
日期 : 2020/12/23
時間 : 12:00 - 13:30
參與人數 : 30人
地點 : 民生創意發展中心
活動目的 : 藉由聖誕節溫暖的氣氛,四院的學生共融再一起,一起享用美食與歡樂的氣氛。